Al Warsan‪,‪ International City


License validity : 0
How can the future owner improve this business? : ...
Description : .......................


……* Laundry for sale in International City Dubai Rent is paid up to September 2020.

* We also have individual customer base in Dubai and walk in customer.

* Three staff working now. One is driver cum hand presser and two are hand presser.

* It is just buy and run business.

* Dont have to start from scratch as all in place.

* Licence renewed for up to March 2020.

* Washing is not available. It is from outside.

* Reason for sale. Owner is diversifying.

* Excellent opportunity to expand with another driver and two pressmen.

* Only serious buyers and final authority should visit to decide.

* Steam press machines: 1 Nos

* Hand press machines with table: 4 nos

* 2 Professional well trained employees

* 1 Pickup /delivery van.

* Computerized cash counter with full accounting software and Billing machine

* Printed stock of Invoices, Brochures and visiting cards.

* Regular Customers: Local and other customers from different areas of Dubai.

* High scope of business on expansion.

* It is a well-managed business by the owner with 100% input on every aspect.

* Direct owner.

Please contact us for more details.

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Al Warsan‪,‪ International City
Safety tips for deal
  1. Always meet face to face to finalize the deal.
  2. Transfer of Business requires to check all legal Documentation.
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers.
  4. Please report any suspecious activities.
  5. Contact us for any suggestion or feedback

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